الأربعاء، 19 ديسمبر 2012

Make Any Password Visible

How to make any password visible using only a simple internet browser
many new internet browsers include a lot of features that always help the user and simplify his or her work either when surfing or downloading from the internet 
one of these features is '' inspect elements which helps the user to analyse the web page 
as it enables him to reprogram it ...using html or php or any other webpage programming languages 
in this trick I ùam going to show you how unhide the password field .. and to make it more easier ...we are going to use the google chrome internet  browser 
so ..
open the googlle chrome browser and open facebook page  as you want to   to log in
then type your E-mail and password very normal ...
 in the field of the password  ...click right  then choose Inspect elements
since you have chosen the password field at the beginning
in the down area you willl find a selected line 
at the beginnig of that line there's the word PASSWRD 
double click on it and type WORD only !!
hit enter ...and look at your password ....it's not hidden any more
 written by Hai Lag

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